Mission Statement

Good Friends, Inc. is a community-based licensed residential treatment program for individuals with substance use disorders, including those with a co-occurring psychiatric disorder. It is a facility in which the resident seeks to re-establish himself into the mainstream of society.
It is the mission of Good Friends, Inc. to provide comprehensive and quality behavioral health and related services in the continuum of care for adult males who are chemically dependent. These services will promote the physical, spiritual and emotional health of the men and meet the needs of the community and consumers we serve.
To accomplish our mission, we will:
• Continually measure, evaluate and improve the effectiveness of our program
• Take responsibility for our professional and personal growth
• Optimize the use of administrative systems
• Provide a safe and professional environment
• Be willing to participate in our treatment program.
• Act as a resource within the community
At Good Friends, Inc. we understand the complex nature of addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Our therapeutic treatment program has positive, statistically-measured results in returning the active abuser to a drug-free life of productivity.
We view each client as a unique individual. You can contact us to discuss your situation. We may be able to help you directly, or we will refer you to the most appropriate location for help.
For example, there are certain resources that may be available to certain priority populations, as these populations can reach far beyond the individual user’s presence and touch other lives. Priority treatment funding options include: Pregnant women who inject drugs; Pregnant women who use substances; Persons who inject drugs; Overdose survivors; and, Veterans. These resources may be able to help place you here or at another facility. Contact us and we can help you begin your recovery.